Site Migration and Changes

I made a bunch of site migration and changes over the last few days. Including moving my blogs from GoDaddy to BlueHost. It actually went really smoothly, surprisingly. I only had to call support one time! Here’s what I’ve done

  1. Consolidated all blogging that is cultural, political, social to Security, Cigars & FUD – both and work for this blog.
  2. Created a new blog for things distinctly related to information security, technology, career, etc: New posts coming there in short order.
  3. Revitalized a blog I started, but never did anything with, that will focus on food, smoking meat, wine, whiskey, and the like:
  4. And moved all of this from GoDaddy to BlueHost. BlueHost is much less expensive, much easier to work with, and appears to be less likely to play cancel culture on me.

If you’re curious what prompted all of this, check out Ch-Ch-Changes and Response to Facebook Ban.

And meanwhile, I still have a full time, quite demanding, job. I figure I can get out a good post every day. Each of the blogs has a subscribe button on it. I’d love it if you subscribed and joined the party!

Yes, I’m going to be active here. The content that has been on Facebook will mostly move over here.

As far as BlueHost goes, their tech support folks were incredibly helpful in doing all of this. In fact, they advised me on the best way to set things up for the lowest cost. Where GoDaddy was generally always trying to sell me more in the one call I had to make to them.

Nothing like a major set of site migrations and changes in the 5 minutes I have between meetings!

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