It’s The Job, Stop Making Us Into Whimps

Today the President basically likened the US Military to Boy Scouts with this statement:

“Make no mistake, this evacuation mission is dangerous. It involves risks to our armed forces, and it’s being conducted under difficult circumstances,”

Ummm, no shit asshole. That’s what we do. The US Army (and Navy, Air Force, and Marines) do dangerous stuff. We go in harm’s way. It’s our job. We don’t do it when it’s easy. I served in the US Army, as a tank crewman, for 11 years. We went into danger. We volunteered for it. It’s what warriors do.

Stop making excuses. I am certain that my brothers and sisters in the military stand ready to go and take care of the people in Afghanistan that need to be taken care of. And they will do it without worry about it being “difficult circumstances”.

Serious, Mr. President, you need to man up and be the commander in chief.

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